Technology at The Academy

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison

In an age where ubiquitous technology is easy to use and access, The Academy's goal when it comes to technology is to peal the layers back to fundamentals, so that students are aware of how digital systems work and interact, and to build an understanding of the limitations, and potential, of modern technology.

The Academy's technology curriculum permeates all subjects. In English, students will publish essays, creative writing, and media on their personal website which they have built from the ground up. In Science, students will build electronic measuring equipment to assist their investigations. In Mathematics, students create a growing library of programming functions as they learn new theorems. In Biology, students create remote monitoring equipment for field work. In Physics, students model the mathematical laws and simulate them in their 3D game engine.

"Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them." - Steve Jobs

A strong portfolio of work is a major requirement in the modern tech industry. Students at The Academy will produce an extensive portfolio of documented software and electronic projects, shared as a digital CV on GitHub.

The Technology curriculum has been consulted on by industry leaders Jonathan Rogers (Founder and Managing Director of Grinding Gear Games) and Samuel Crookes (Managing Director of Warp Speed Computers) who bring a wealth of industry and business experience. Students will learn to consider how applications can be scaled and commercialised as they gain expertise and experience.

"All aspiring entrepreneurs should remember that failure doesn't mean the end of the road. It can lay the groundwork for something even greater." - Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code

The Technology curriculum also has a significant embedded focus on digital security and online safety.

Guiding Principles for Programming and Electronics at The Academy:

"Technology should improve your life… not become your life." - Billy Cox