Mathematics at The Academy

"Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."Albert Einstein

The Academy’s mathematics curriculum follows a strong research base of the science of learning, informed by work from the following education bodies:

Inspiration has also been taken from the Proof School in San Fransisco. Our curriculum is aligned with the Cambridge Advanced programme to ensure that our students are ready to succeed with exceptional results in this rigorous and globally recognised external assessment at Years 12 and 13.

The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics."Paul Halmos

Mathematics at The Academy is built around discipline, rigour and practice. Learning how to use this important tool precisely is an effort in dedicated labour and perseverance. Like a professional athlete who works hard to improve their form, our students have a consistent routine of daily practice to improve their mathematical intuition and skill. Mathematics is the universal language of physics, and a strong grasp of mathematics is required for success and mastery in computer programming.

Our small class sizes allow us to easily recognise students who show aptitude, and they will be accelerated to meet the appropriate challenge.

Students will meet the university entry requirements by sitting AS-Level Pure Mathematics + Probability and Statistics, normally at Year 12. Alongside the completion of their A-Level qualification, normally at Year 13, students will sit the NZQA Scholarship examinations in Calculus and/or Statistics.

"Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country."David Hilbert

Guiding Principles for Mathematics at The Academy:

"What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature."Shakuntala Devi