Message from the Principal
Dear parents,
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our school, The Academy.
As the founding Principal, I am excited to share with you the vision and mission behind our school. We want to provide the best framework for success for all students, and our focus on a core STEM education is in response to looking at future global challenges and opportunities.
At The Academy, our mission is to empower curious young minds to find their purpose, and to better the world through scientific and technological endeavours. We have looked at many models of school structure, taking inspiration from classical education models and from exceptional schools doing things differently such as the Proof School in San Francisco. The Academy will prioritise small class sizes and time for exploration guided by master teachers who foster a culture of high expectations. Our commitment is to provide students with a globally competitive education.
The teachers we have assembled are first rate educators with a history of student success (both nationally and internationally), not just in academics, but in providing unique and challenging experiences. Our students will also have the benefit of being mentored by some of the top leaders in the New Zealand tech industry.
Why are we starting The Academy?
There are five prime reasons driving the creation of The Academy:
- There is a need for a strong, academically focussed school in West Auckland, one that specifically caters for Y7 – 13 students with a coherent curriculum which has time to work with student’s individual talents and gifts. We will deliver a curriculum based on evidence, focusing on students obtaining mastery and understanding.
- New Zealand desperately needs innovation and productive enterprise, and schools must rise to this challenge. Young people have the potential to create extraordinary things when given the opportunity to engage in diverse and challenging experiences. This cannot be achieved through superficial, isolated efforts. We must allow time for ideas to simmer and for students to tinker, experiment, and most importantly, to fail and grow.
- Computer programming, computer systems and machine learning tools are now ubiquitous in many industries and we believe New Zealand schools are not equipped with experts to teach these to an excellent standard.
- The NZ curriculum and NCEA does not set high enough expectations for students to succeed at tertiary level in the sciences, both domestically and internationally. Schools which offer international curriculums feature overwhelmingly in competitive entry programmes such as engineering and medicine.
- Core content knowledge has been systematically diminished in the modern NZ curriculum, especially in the sciences. Tall poppy syndrome has contributed to the main focus in schooling to be about getting everyone across the line, often by lowering the bar. The science of learning is incredibly robust but is often ignored in New Zealand’s predominant pedagogy.
What The Academy will offer
Here is what The Academy will offer to provide every student the opportunity to succeed to their highest potential:
- Small class sizes – all students are known.
- Master teachers in each subject.
- An internationally recognised and rigorous academic curriculum.
- A strong community and culture that values knowledge, high moral standards and academic achievement (we enrol the family).
- Dedicated time for students to find and pursue their passion.
- High expectations of every student.
- Opportunities for students to develop skills in leadership, project management and entrepreneurial endeavours.
- Outstanding, purpose-built facilities.
The Academy will be a Year 7 – 13 STEM focussed school for our core curriculum with students exposed to fundamental knowledge and deep learning experiences at all levels. The core curriculum, which includes Science, Technology, English, and Mathematics, runs from Monday to Thursday and provides students with a deep and solid grounding in fundamental knowledge.
Fridays give our students freedom to pursue their interests and allows the exposure to other subjects in modular form such as health and wellbeing, history, economics, citizenship etc... Our small size and course structure allows for enriching experiences, such as engineering projects, outdoor education and extracurricular activities, without disrupting the continuity of classroom learning. As a part of The Academy community, students will benefit from invaluable networking opportunities, gaining access to mentorship, career advice, and industry connections.
While we will prioritise academic success, our strong focus is in fostering a sense of purpose, belonging, and agency in our students. By empowering them to become self-directed learners, we equip them for lifelong success. This means they'll be able to confidently choose what interests them, develop strong learning skills, maintain curiosity and critical thinking, and share their knowledge with others.
The Academy starts with no baggage. We have a simple approach with a steadfast focus on exceptional learning and future focus. The foundation for the school is laid on a firm set of principles which we will instil in our learners (integrity, perseverance, excellence, courage, humility, and empathy). Our small community of families will have a significant impact in helping us grow in exciting ways, including the opportunities that our students will engage with, and we invite you to be part of our journey.
Tristan O'Hanlon